Danielle Chio News: Mar 2025

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Last Updated: March 31st 2025

The Corrupt Nevada Judicial Selection Commission

Mar  2025   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

About the only way Orientals can become a judge in Nevada is through corruption. No one trusts Oriental females to be a judge. So, they either bribe members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection, or they "trick" a sitting Governor, or they outspend their opponents with funds from China.

What part of the message did the corrupt Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection miss when Nevada voters overwhelmingly REJECTED their puppet Danielle Chio on November 8th, 2022?

Many Nevada residents believe that the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is a rubber-stamp for a pre-determined decision already made by the Governor.

When a Commission on Judicial Selection ignores the will of the people and provides no contitutional or legal basis for rejecting the concerns of the voters, that is a sign of corruption.

What type of gang is the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection?? How was this gangster commission created? the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection purports to be a judicial body created pursuant to Article 6, Section 20 of the Nevada State Constitution, and governed by Nevada Revised Statutes 1.380 through 1.410.

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is charged with filling judicial vacancies that occur before expiration of a term of office in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or District Court. The Commission is charged with selecting three candidates for the Governor's review and appointment to fill judicial vacancies that occur before the expiration of a term of office in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or District Court..

No where in the Nevada State Constitution does it explicitly state that the powers of Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection supercede the will of the voters. No where in Nevada State Constitution, or the U.S. Constitution, does it state that the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is allowed to over-turn, supercede, or pretend that the voters of Nevada have no voice. Therefore, the appointment of Danielle Chio is ILLEGAL, AND DANIELLE CHIO IS A FRAUD BACKED BY A CORRUPT Nevada Judicial Selection Commission!!

Shady Background of Nevada Judicial Selection Commissioners and Marijauna

Mar  2025   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Legal questions sent to the the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection pertaining to the suspicious so-called "appointment" of Danielle Chio have been ignored. A non-response is legally presumed to be an admission of corruption.

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection could provide no legal precedent for the immediate appointment of a defeated judicial candidate within 90 days of the voters having voted firmly against the candidate. Neither could the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection provide what legal authority a Governor has to supercede the will of the people. Neither could the Nevada Judicial Selection Commission provided answers to such questions as the historical frequency as to when defeated judicial candidates are "appointed" by incoming Governers.

We must assume that Danielle Chio is THE ONLY JUDICIAL CANDIDATE IN THE HISTORY OF THE NEVADA JUDICIARY to have overwhelmingly lost in a General election only to be "appointed" by a corrupt Governor within 90 days. Does that sound legal?? No!!

If you examine the backgrounds of several of the Commissioners of the Nevada Judicial Selection Commission, it should be no surprise that many are involved in shady professions. For example, Donna Bath is listed as the Director of Community Relations & Special Projects of Silver Lion Farms. The name Farms is misleading in the sense that Silver Lions is not a traditional farm. No cows. No turkeys. No pigs. No eggs.

Silver Lion Farms is not a traditional Midwest dairy farm of pork, eggs, and dairy products.

According to their website, the marketing message is: "Silver Lion Farms premium-grade flower provides clients and consumers with superior quality CBD and CBG, that is both trusted and desired across markets. " I simple, plain language, Silver Lion Farms is an industrial peddler of Hemp/Marijuana products.

Other controversal commissioners include gaming executives. Andrew Diss of Meruelo Gaming, and Jeffrey Gilbert, a Veteran Gaming Executive. These are two guys who have become wealth due to the stupidity of others, and the intoxication of immoral games of chance. Not only is gambling immoral, and preys upon the poor, it there are many reasons why gambling was banned in much of the United States. Gambling produces no product; gaming preys upon low I.Q. Americans, immoral Americans, and the most vulnerable.

Danielle Chio supporter Donna Bath of Silver Lion Farms Is an Idiot!

Danielle Chio supporter  Donna Bath, and Silver Lion Farms

Donna Bath is a Commissioner of the Nevada Judicial Selection Commission. Donna Bath voted to approve the nomination of Danille Chio. What is not known is whether or not Donna Bath was high at the time.

Donna Bath is a key executve of Silver Lions Farms. Silver Lion Farms has not a single African-American male, Native-American, Hispanic, or female listed as a top Team leader or executive. Here it is in 2023, and Donna Bath is associated with a company that looks like the 1950's. At the same time, Donna Bath does not hesitate to marke the worthless weed-based products of her company to minorities.

Silver Lion Farms uses deceptive word-play to reach a vast audience. For instance, Donna Bath has approved this word-play: "premium-grade flower" as a featured marketing message. What about the straight facts? Premium-grade Marijuana plant is more accurate.

Is there a difference between Hemp vs. Marijuana?? If you ask Donna Bath and her employees, she will certainly say there is a dramatic difference. From a scientific and chemistry perspective, both hemp and marijuana plants are the same species. The main difference lies in how much of a certain cannabinoid each contains, according to Dr. Jeffrey Chen, MD, MBA,

It is really just a play on word games. It’s a common misconception that many persons have that hemp and marijuana are two different species of plant.

This is intentional, and deceitful marketing ploy by Jewish businesspersons. In fact, they’re not distinct species. They’re just two different names for cannabis, a type of flowering plant in the Cannabaceae. Jews are smart, but not that smart.

While science doesn’t differentiate between “hemp” and “marijuana,” the law does. Legally, the key difference between the two is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. The term “hemp” is used to mean cannabis that contains 0.3 percent or less THC content by dry weight. In other words, to allow Jewish businessowners to market their Marijuana under a name other than Marijuana, they changed the law!! The law allows drug peddlers to use the term Hemp as long as the THC content is below 0.3 percent.

Nevada Commission on Ethics Charges Personal Friend of Danielle Chio:  Joe Lombardo

African-Americans are key users of Marijuana. Many are unaware of the 0.3 THC percent rule and past uses of percentages to define persons/products. Blacks, for example, have ignored the 0.3 percent naming rule. However, history is quite compelling. The one-drop rule was a legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the 20th-century United States. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of "black blood") is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms). Consequently, Hemp and Marijuana should be legally, socially, and scientifically the same, and Jews should not be allowed to market Marijuana under any name but Marijuana!!

Silver Lion farms markets the name Hemp because it is too controversial to use the equivalent name Marijuana. At the same time, the company is also involved in sythentic drugs. Synthetic drugs are drugs designed to get around conventional drug classifications.

Had it occurred to idiot Donna Bath that if Danielle Chio is so unethical, so fair, and filled with so much integrity, then how can Commissioners explain why Danielle Chio is posing on the campaign trail with a man accused in a 456 page Ethics Violation report? Why didn't Donna Bath use her little brain to research what most Nevada residents (those who rejected Danielle Chio at the polls) suspect about Danielle Chio.

So, we are supposed to trust a nominating process that involves persons who are idiots? Who market and traffic in gaming and Marijuana? Danielle Chio would never be nominated by moral, highly educated persons involved in clean professions. She has to rely upon businesses that play on human emotions and businesses that are designed to take advantage of weak persons.

Suspicious Works of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection

Governor Joe Lombardo  Appointment of Danielle Chio

Since the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection has no regard for the Constitution of the State of Nevada, and no regard for the wil of Nevada voters, it is clear that this very corrupt commission should be exposed as nothing more than a body of crooks nominating other crooks.

Some Nevada residents claim that Nevada has the most corrupt court system in the world. Detractors contend that North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia all have a more fair court system.

In Nevada, judges are allowed to raise money from the same persons whom they are allowed to rule in favor of. Innocent people are arrested, framed, and placed under 24 by 7 surveillance. One need only look at the numerous online complaints and inquiries about Danielle "Puppet" Chio, her numerous critics, and men released from prison after being framed.

Complaints against the Nevada judiciary include: Clark County, Nevada prosecutors refuse to enforce Child Support laws based upon race and gender.

Complaints against the Nevada judiciary include: Clark County, Nevada prosecutors use race and socio-economic status to defend and enforce the Death Penalty.

Complaints against the Nevada judiciary include: Asians are hired and promoted in the Clark County, Nevada judicial system because they are willing instruments of corruption in general, and the Asian female serves in the role of being a puppet.

Corrupt and Dishonest Members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection

The members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection are persons who have no fear of being lousy at their job; no one will fire them; no one questions their stupidity; no one questions their lack of intelligence, etc.

The judicial application of Danielle Chio has more red flags than the Unabomber. Put another way, if the judicial application of Danielle Chio were a test of airport security, it would fail. The woman is too dumb to be judge by her own admissions! Look at her academic record! Look at her track record! Look at her career as a cowardly prosecutor who ran from tough cases! Look at the type of persons Danielle Chio REFUSED to prosecute!

Danielle Chio is like Herschel Walker. Two persons that have been prostituted their entire careers. The members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection have ignored red flags of bias; the members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection have ignored subtle and overt signs of corruption; the members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection have ignore clear evidence of the lack of integrity of Danielle Chio (joining race-based organization in 2022 simply to get votes?!); the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection has ignored and did not ask questions about the money trail of Danielle Chio and why she solicited funds from lawyers out of state; the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection ignored the flawed educational records of Danielle Chio and other Oriental judicial candidates; the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection ignores inquiries and questions from Nevada voters;

Put another way, Danielle Chio would have faced a tougher interview process from McDonalds Corporation to be hired as an executive than she faced from the incompetent, low I.Q., lazy, stupid, members who make up the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection.

2025Members of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection
Appointing AuthorityTitle
ConstitutionMs. Lidia S. Stiglich, Chair (01/01/24)
Governor Donna Bath
Ely, Silver Lion Farms
State BarJustina A. Caviglia, Esq.
Reno, NV Energy
GovernorAndrew Diss
Reno, Meruelo Gaming
GovernorJeffrey Gilbert
Henderson, Veteran Gaming Executive
State BarGregory Kamer, Esq.
Las Vegas, Kamer Zucker Abbott
State BarJoel Locke, Esq. Carson City
Law Offices of Allison MacKenzie
Source:Nevada Secretry of State
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