Danielle Chio Frequently Asked Questions!

Feb 2025 Danielle Chio FAQS References:
2022 General Election Defeat Evidence of Danielle Chio
Feb 2025 Doug Poppa Investigates friend of Danielle Chio: Joe Lombardo
Feb 2025 Madilyn Cole for Judge Exposed!
Madilyn Cole for Judge Exposed short video Video about Madilyn Cole for Judge Exposed!

Feb 2025 Frequently Asked Questions about Judge Danielle Chio

Illegal Appointment of Judge Danielle Chio

In 2015, a GOP political conservative activist named Edward Blum formulated a plan to recruit dumb and robotic Orientals as a cover to help Neo-Nazis and low I.Q. white Americans end Affirmative Action programs that benefitted legitimate minorities.

Neo-Nazis began an alliance with a worthless Oriental named David Cao; Insect Cao was a member of the Houston Chinese Alliance.

As Toilet Paper Wipes for their Neo-Nazi Masters fulfilling their dutiful role as the "Model Minority", Asian Americans played a pivotal role in dismantling Affirmative Action programs for Blacks, African-Americans, Native-Americans, and Hispanics that stood for 50 plus years.

Asians hypocritially and deceitfully referenced the lanaguage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Judge a Person by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin" while they have the lowest percentage of NOT HIRING NON-ASIANS!!

Give an Insect a script, the insect will play his/her role.

Danielle Chio is following a script written and approved by Neo-Nazis.

The cheap lip service of Orientals is nothing but propaganda copied off of their Neo-Nazi Masters. Orientals continue to benefit from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hiring all over Clark County, NV, as well as preferential judicial appointments.

From General Election defeat in November 2022, to an "Appointed" judicial position just 90 days later, low I.Q. Danielle Chio has either been very lucky or she has been very corrupt.

Feb  2025   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Republican Governer Joe Lombardo, a/k/a/ Agent Joe to Russian and Chinese intelligence operatives, wasted no time in seeking to complete a quid pro quo deal with former Clark County, Nevada prosecutor Danielle Chio.

In his first 60 days at office, Agent Joe fulfilled his promise by "Giving" the job of Department VII judge to an unqualified, unfit, voter-rejected Oriental named Danielle Chio.

Hey, that's what friends are for!

The academic background of Danielle Chio reads like a patient suffering from retardation. She was basically last in her law school class; she failed to graduate from a top-tier Division-I N.C.A.A. law-school. She expressed self-doubt, etc.

In Clark County, NV Asian employment in many sectors and industries exceed their population numbers. In the Nevada Department of Motors Vehicles, the United States Postal Service, Clark County, NV courts, Walmart, Clark County School District, etc., Oriental employment is up and the level of substandard service and incompetence is also up.

When you can't get a legitimate judicial job over better qualified judicial applicants, turn to GOP Republican men who have Yellow Fever!!

When insufficient Nevada voters voted for your lousy judicial campaign, just use Agent Joe (your high profile Nevada Governor friend) to give you a judicial gig based on Yelloe Fever, not content of character.

The fact that thousands of Nevada voters rejected Danielle Chio on General election day, meant nothing to Danielle Chio: "I will be your judicial whore Joe. Forget the voters!! Let's do this! Give me the damn job!! "

Feb 2025 Nevada Voters: Frequently Asked Questions about Judge Danielle Chio and Her Ties to Suspicious Clark County, NV Prosecutor Madilyn Cole

What is hidden in the dark, eventually comes to light.

On November 8th, 2022, more than 46,000 Nevada voters REJECTED Danielle Chio's efforts to buy a judicial seat and defeat incumbent Judge Joe Bonaventure.

Danielle Chio was endosed by all major law enforcement agences in Nevada, including the Henderson, NV Police Department, North Las Vegas, NV Police Department, Clark County Prosecutors Association, Chief Deputy District Attorney Madilyn Cole, Clark County, NV Prosecutor Agnes Botelho, the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce, the suspicious Latin (a/k/a/ Mexican) Chamber of Commerce of Nevada, and other organizations known to support corrupt and sleazy judicial puppets.

One of the supporters of Danielle Chio is Madilyn Cole. Depending upon which skirt she is wearing or office she is eeking, Madilyn Cole appears to have a variety of names, ranging from Madilyn Cole to Madilyn Michelle Cole, to Madilyn Michelle Fitzpatrick, to Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole, etc.

Both Madilyn Cole and Danielle Chio share the same endorsements, the same supporters, the same supervisor (Steve Wolfson), the same friends in high places (Joe Lombardo), and the same employer, Clark County District Attorney.

Both Danielle Chio and Madilyn Cole have been pictured with the same persons, including Joe Lombardo.

As it turns out, investigative Reporter Doug Poppa has tied the knots together. He has an informative podacst, TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES, in which many of the same pals shared by Danielle Chio and current judicial candidate Madilyn Cole have in common.

Feb 2025 Frequently Asked Questions about Judge Danielle Chio: Her Ties to Nevada Republican Joe Lomabardo

Joe Lombardo appoints Danielle Chio for Judge

Here is what Doug Poppa wrote about the man who is friends with both Madilyn Cole and Danielle Chio:

"But Joe, maybe it’s just the Baltimore Post-Examiner that you don’t recognize because you don’t like what I write and maybe it’s because you can’t threaten us like I heard you did to a local reporter years ago because you didn’t like what he wrote about you.
I hope that’s not true Joe, but if it is, it would go in line to what Metro (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police) cops have told me about you. They said you are a vindictive, retaliatory SOB. A retired high-ranking member of the LVMPD from what I have been told, made a comment once, “they’re so dirty I could write a book."

It should be no surprise that barely 60 days after giving his friend a judicial position, the Nevada Commission on Ethics’ executive director also filed documents alleging that Gov. Joe Lombardo committed multiple ethics violations by using his sheriff’s badge and uniform during his governor’s campaign.

In fact, the Nevada Commission on Ethics filed a detailed 456-page packet evidencing the lack of integrity of Joe Lombardo, and his outrageous violations of election ethics in the General Election of 2022.

Judge Danielle Chio ignored the Doug Poppa and Baltimore Sun reports on her pal Joe Lombardo.

Judge Danielle Chio ignored the Nevada Commission on Ethics report. Danielle Chio knew in advance, observed actual violations committed by family friend Joe Lombardo. Danielle Chio did nothing!

Today, Danielle “Pieper” Chio is the current DisHonorable Judge to the Eighth Judicial District Court, Department 7.

Judge Danielle Chio wants her unqualified and unfit friend Madilyn Cole to also become a judge, as if the Nevada public can stomach another corrupt Judge Michelle Leavitt.

By helping a friend to become a judge, all friends win!! Hint. Hint.

It does not take a Nuclear Physicist to understand why none of Danielle Chio's friends and collegaue refuse to challenge her, including Madilyn Cole, Agnes Botelho, Tracy Hibbetts. Greed! Greed!

Like most Orientals in Nevada, merit was never a factor in "appointing" Danielle Chio to become a judge. Oriental Race + Female Gender + Yellow Fever= Asian Success!

Welcome to Nevada Judicial corruption, and the sleaziest courts in the world!

Soonhee Bailey, Danielle Chio, Madilyn Cole, Tina Talim will simply further corrupt the Nevada Courts. Nevada.

Street Hustler: Judge Danielle Chio hustles for High Profile Connections

Danielle Chio for Judge

Madilym Cole and Danielle Chio have a lot in common. They both know to hustle for rich donations from rich male lawyers lawyers.

Like a prostitute hustling the streets for dollars, Danielle Chio has worked very hard to hustle her Asian background for donors, votes, oral promises, and influence. It is quite clear the hustle worked on Joe Lombardo!

Danielle Chio knows that Criminals in High places is better than Friends in High Places.

Examples. Joe Lombardo loves Donald Trump! Joe Lombardo is a supporter of a 34-time convicted felon!

The fact that Mr. Trump was the subject of a British intelligence report naming him as a groomed Russian asset meant nothing to Donald Trump groupy Joe Lombardo.

Given the low I.Q. level of most Trump supporters, many Americans could care less if Donald Trump, Joe Lombardo, Ron De Santis, are passive supporters of Russian propoganda.

To this day, Joe Lombardo has not distanced himself from a man facing multiple federal criminal indictments.

Danielle Chio pal Joe Lombardo would rather believe lies and distortions planted by Russian and Chinese agents than so-called "law enforcment" agencies based right here in America!

Unjust Enrichment and Flawed Constitutional Legitimacy of the Danielle Chio Judicial Appointment

Danielle Chio +Madilyn Cole = Corruption

Persons with an actual brain as well as legal scholars have many questions about the contitutional legitimacy of the Danielle Chio judicial appoitment. For instance, Danielle Chio was "appointed" by a man who himself engaged in fraud to become a Governor. Without the fraud, he would not have been able to become a Governor to affect the appointment of Danielle Chio.

Joe Lombardo would not have able to fulfill the quid pro quo pact with Danielle Chio if he had been honest and ethical and did not engage in ethics violations.

The fact that thousands of Nevada voters rejected Danielle Chio on General election day meant nothing to Danielle Chio or Joe Lombardo. In effct, Danielle Chio thumbed her nose at Nevada voters. F#$! You! I want to become a Judge. To hell with you bastards who voted against me, I have a trusted friend in high place."


Nevada voters spoke first, Barely 60 days later, Danielle Chio lifted her skirt like her Oriental pal Agnes Botelho, and she was appointed a Judge.

The Nevada Commission on Ethics’ executive director filed documents alleging that Gov. Joe Lombardo committed multiple ethics violations by using his sheriff’s badge and uniform during his governor’s campaign.

The Nevada Commission on Ethics filed a detailed 456-page packet evidencing the lack of integrity of Joe Lombardo, and his outrageous violations of election ethics in the General Election of 2022,. With this backdrop, Danielle Chio still accepted a suspicious appointment when numerous legal statutes .

Danielle Chio benefitted from the unjust actions of otherts, and her position as a Judge IS ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, UNETHICAL, AND A VIOLATION OF THE NEVADA CONSTITUTITION , AS WELL U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

Danielle Chio has demonstrated she DOES NOT CARE who appoints her; DOES NOT CARE about the integrity of the person who APPOINTS her. Neither does Danielle Chio care about the circumstances of her appointment.

The Chinese Connection: Danielle Chio Raises Out-of-State Funds Backed by China

2023-24 Judicial Campagn for Danielle Chio

Far too many suspicious Orientals and Asians donated to the Danielle Chio judicial campaign.

In Nevada, judicial candidates can raise money out-of-state. China can fund donors from ANY state without the funds being traced.

Americans are so dumb! Get a brain American, or lose your country!

All the while, Danielle Chio and her pal Sunny Bailey, were acting like deceptive rats. They and many Orientals were criss-crossing California and other states to raise donations from out-of-state lawyers and rich Orientals for their corrupt judicial campaign.

Please refer to the Campiagn & Expense Repor filed by Danielle Chio with the Nevada Secretary of State's Campaign.

Hichelle Wu, the Oriental Mayor of Boston, MA, used the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics to get elected.

Danielle Chio has refused to produce her foreign travel logs, her California travel logs, San Francisco Travel logs, her GPS records throughout the campaign, and other evidence that might refute allegations that she used Oriental trickery and Chinese-funds to get elected.

Why has Danielle Chio not strongly denonced China??1 Specifically, why has Danielle Chio not publicly referred to Chinese Leader XI JinPing as an International Terrorist?

It is noteworthy that Danielle Chio assumed office within 90 days of her 2022 General Election defeat. A substantial number of the supporters of Danielle Chio are backed by China.

Frequently Asked Questions About Danielle Chio for Feb 2025

Danielle Chio for Judge
  1. Question: What is the race of Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio has genetics that are 100% Oriental. The judicial appliation submitted by Danielle Chio confirms her grandparents were Japanese-Americans. Japs attacked the United States in 1941, leading to World War II.
  1. Question: Is the appointement of Danielle Chio to the Department 7 judicial position a legitimate judicial appointment?
    1. Answer: No! The voters had already rejected Danielle Chio on November 8, 2022. The People of the State Nevada spoke. Governor Joe Lomabardo ignored the will of the voters. Joe Lomabardo is not a King or Dictator! He had no legal authority to usurp the vote or will power of the People of Nevada.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio associated with judicial candidate Madilyn Michelle Cole, a/k/a/ Madilyn Cole, a/k/a/ Madilyn Leavitt Cole?
    1. Answer: Yes! There is direct evidence that a scheming Madilyn Cole is connected to Danielle Chio according to contributions made by Madilyn Cole to the Daniele Chio judicial campaign. This fact is verified by the Nevada Secretary of State, and employment records of Clark County, Nevada.
  1. Question: What is the real reason why Clark County, Nevada prosecutors, including Danielle Chio, Agnes Botelho, Tracy Hibbetts, and Madilyn Cole, and many others want to become a judge??
    1. Answer: Contrary to their false, lying, and phony altruistic claims of "wanting to serve the people", the real reason why so many Clark County, Nevada prosecutors seek to become a judge is pure monetary greed. GREED! The salary of a Clark County, NV judge is twice that of a prosecutor! In other words, when a Clark County, Nevada prosecutor becomes a judge, it is an automatic 200% salary raise!
  1. Question: What is the real name of Danielle "Pieper-Chio"?
    1. Answer: The real name of Danielle Chio is Danielle Chio. There are no government records, or court filings, to substantiate her made-up hyphenated name of Danielle "Pieper-Chio"
  1. Question: Why Does Danielle Chio use the name Pieper?
    1. Answer: Judge Danielle Chio uses the name Pieper as a deliberate attempt to cling to her past. She does not fully respect being a married woman, and wants to use a hyphenated name to assert her refusal to be 100% submissve to her husband. This is a reflection of her stubbornness, and lack of proper judicial temperament.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio have any children of her own??
    1. Answer: Judge Danielle Chio does not have any children that she naturally gave birth to.
  1. Question: Can Judge Danielle Chio have any children of her own??
    1. Answer: No. Judge Danielle Chio cannot medically get pregnant by natural means.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio really a transgender male or male homosexual pretending to be a female given the fact that Danielle Chio cannot get pregnant??
    1. Answer: There is no public evidence that Judge Danielle Chio is a male or transgender.
  1. Question: Has Danielle Chio ever referred to a male homosexual as a Faggott or any other descriptive term? ?
    1. Answer: There are no records of Danielle Chio publicly denouncing homosexuals, or referring to homosexuals with accurate or descriptive terms.
  1. Question: Why does Danielle Chio engage in typical prosecution schemes like eliminating minority, Hispanic, and Native-American jurors from criminal cases?? ?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio uses the same schemes used by Clark County, NV Deputy District Attorney Steve Wolfson. The reason is to remove certain jurors in favor of keeping jurors most likely to convict.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio accept endorsements from corrupt police unions and law enfocement agencies that have a record of police corruption? ?
    1. Answer: Yes. The Danielle Chio website did illustrate endorsements from corrupt police unions and law enfocement agencies that have a record of police corruption.
  1. Question: Why is Danielle Chio and so many Oriental female judges supported by Police Unions and law enforcement agencies? ?
    1. Answer: Yes. Oriental female judicial candidates like Soonhee Bailey and across the United States are very reliable puppets of judicial corruption; Oriental females are naturally submissive, pet-like, and subservient to American white males in positions of law enforcement or government authority . Oriental female judges will alter, hide, or omit damaging evidence , including crime scene evidence, ballistic evidence, DNA, fingertip, body worn camera footage, and any videos associated with a police-involved shooting whereby a white American male s involved. Police Unions understand that Orienal females are complete puppets, and Toilet Paper Wipes, AND will never question the authority of ANY white male police officer
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio ever prosecute any affluent, well-connected, white-collar criminals?
    1. Answer: No! Of course not! The Oriental female prosecutor is always assigned to prosecute minorities, or cases where minorites are more likely over-represented. For example, Danielle Chio was a member of the General Litigation Team; she prosecuted felony crimes such as burglary, robbery, grand larceny, murder, and sexual assaults in District Court, and all misdemeanors in Las Vegas Justice Court. Danielle Chio never prosecuted accused rapist Steve Wynn, or any Las Vegas casino executive regardless of the crime.
  1. Question: What is the name of the inferior college that Danielle Chio graduated from??
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio attended and graduated from lowly Whittier College ( 1990-1994) 13406 East Philadelphia Street, Whittier, California 90602
  1. Question: Has Danielle Chio ever publicly denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC)?
    1. Answer: No. There is no public record of Danielle Chio ever having publicly denounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC).
  1. Question: Is there any evidence that Danielle Chio has ever applied for admission into the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?
    1. Answer: Unknown. A written letter to the offices of Danielle Chio requesting an admission or denial of Danielle Chio aplying for membership into the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been ignored.
  1. Question: Are there any Blacks, Native-Americans, or African-Americans that support Danelle Chio?
    1. Answer: Yes. However, the only Blacks, Native-Americans, or African-Americans, that support Danelle Chio are allegedly Uncle Toms, or Blacks with questionable courage, and little integrity.
  1. Question: Are there any Hispanics that support Danelle Chio?
    1. Answer: The only Hispanics that support Danelle Chio are white-washed Northern Hispanics, Sell-outs, and those Hispanics that don't even speak Spanish or have an accent. This website will post the personal names, and name of any Hispanic organization or Sell-out that supports Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio ever attend and graduate from a top-ranked N.C.A.A. Division -I law school ranked in the Top 10?
    1. Answer: No. Of coure not. Danielle Chio was hired by Steve Wolfson based upon race and gender, her short skirt, and not qualifications. The so-called "Law school" attended by Danielle Chio was McGeorge School of Law (2000-2003), Sacramento, California 95817; Juris Doctorate 2003
Danielle Chio for Judge
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio graduate at the top of her law school class?
    1. Answer: Yes. Asian females graduate on "top" of their professor. Danielle Chio academically graduated towards the "bottom" ( 81/169). Out of 169 graduates, Danielle Chio finished at 81. That is a terrible ranking for a future prosecutor or judge.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio pro-Asian??
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio has a detailed record associated her with numerous race-based organzations tied to Orientals. For example, Danielle Chio was a member of the Asian Pacific American Law School Association (APALSA) in college; Asian Bar Association ; Asian Chamber of Commerce, and other radical, extremists, dangerous, and subversive Oriental groups involved in social agitation and political malcontent.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio married to a police officer employed with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and did that affect her many police endorsements?
    1. Answer: Yes. Yes. Danielle Chio is married to a police officer. The police officer husband of Danielle Chio helped win support for Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: How did Danielle Chio win the endorsement of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA)??
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio won the endorsement of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA) by using tactics listed in the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics. 1.) Danielle Chio used her Asian female gender as bait; 2.) Danielle Chio married a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer for the purpose of using that manfactured marriage to secure police endorsements (this procedure is described in detail of the Asisn Playbook of Dirty Politics); 3.) Using tactics described in the Asisn Playbook of Dirty Politics, Danielle Chio sought the endorsement of the naive Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA) 4.) Using tactics described in the Asisn Playbook of Dirty Politics, Danielle Chio seduced an endorsement from Steve Wolfson. In short, Danielle successfully used insight, procedures, and political tactics to successfully trick others for endorsements.
  1. Question: How did Danielle Chio win the endorsement of the Clark County Prosecutor's Association?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio won the endorsement of the the Clark County Prosecutor's Association by using tactics listed in the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics. 1.) Danielle Chio sought and became the secretary of the Clark County Prosecutor's Association; 2.) Danielle Chio used her relationship to the President of the Clark County Prosecutor's Association; and, 3.) Danielle Chio used her relationship to Steve Wolfson. In other words, Danielle Chio successfully used many tactics and procedures promoted by the secretive Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics: How Orientals Can Win in America!
  1. Question: Since Judge Danielle Chio is married to a cop, can I expect for Judge Chio to treat me fair If I have dispute against a lying cop??
    1. Answer: Lol. Is a lemon black?? You can bet your mother's house that Danielle Chio will rule in favor of ANY police officer!
  1. Question: Before Danielle Chio was "appointed" by her friend Joe Lombardo in March of 2023, when did Danielle Chio previously submit a judicial application?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio submitted a judicial application before the Clark County Nominating Committee for Justice of the Peace, Department 10 in June of 2021. She was not appointed by the Clark County Nominating Committee for Justice of the Peace Department 10 because she was unqualified then, and she was unqualified when her criminal friend Joe Lombardo "appointed" (gave ) her the job. .
  1. Question: What facts changed from June of 2021 when Danielle Chio first applied before the Clark County Nominating Committee for Justice of the Peace, Department 10 in June 2021 to March of 2023, when Danielle Chio was successfully "appointed" by Joe Lombardo?
    1. Answer: The only fact that changed is the fact that Danielle Chio relied upon her newly elected Governor friend to give her a judiciail position because everyone else knows she is unfit, unqualified, too stupid, and her I.Q. is too low!!
  1. Question: Is a layperson required to address Danielle Chio as Honorable Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: No. There are no American government records that require anyone to respect a title of judge. Danielle Chio may be addressed as Judge Chio or Judge Wuhan, or Coco Chow, or even Dishonorable Chio depending upon your free-speech choice of words or personal opinion of Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: Is it true that Danielle Chio used the secret Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics to scheme Nevada voters?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio used the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics to trick Joe Lombardo into appointing to a judicial poaition.
  1. Question: What Websites does Judge Danielle Chio use to promote her propaganda?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio uses the the Trellis.law website, and, the non-profit firm EMERGE NEVADA operated by bimbo Kelli Mae Kelly. These websites attempt to portray Danielle Chio in a favorable light.
  1. Question: Why has judicial candidate Danielle "Pieper" Chio been silent about the acts of terrorism that took place on January 6th, 2021? ?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio does not have the courage, the ethics, or the integrity to denounce any act(s) supported or condoned by the Republican Party, or acts endorsed and approved by China.
  1. Question: Does Judge Danielle Chio fit the stereotype of a submissive Oriental judge? ?
    1. Answer: Yes. Judge Danielle Chio does fit the stereotype of a submissive Oriental judge. She will always issue rulings that support her donors, her friends, Jews, and police unions
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio seek and obtain the permission of Sara Chio, the natural mother of Kailin Chio, before using Kailin Chio as a political advertising prop?
    1. Answer: No! Danielle Chio DID NOT ask permission from the natural mother of Kailin Chio to use her daughter in advertising campaigns!!
  1. Question: Why does Danielle Pieper Chio allow self-admitted child molesters like Nathan Ray Fisher to roam free?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio has a non-exisent record of prosecuting affluent, or well-connected child molesters who live in Henderson, NV. Danielle Chio is too much of a coward to prosecute
  1. Question: Why does Danielle Pieper Chio allow self-admitted child molesters like Nathan Ray Fisher to roam free?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio has a non-exisent record of prosecuting affluent, or well-connected child molesters who live in Henderson, NV. Danielle Chio is too much of a coward to prosecute
  1. Question: How many white men/women has Danielle "Pieper" Chio sought the death penalty against? ?
    1. Answer: None. There is insufficient or zero evidence of Danielle "Pieper" Chio having prosecuted a Death Penalty case againt American Caucasion males/females.
  1. Question: Why does the Clark County Prosecutors Association Endorse Danielle Chio given her failure and refusal to prosecute any white-collar crimes committed by Orientals? ?
    1. Answer: The Clark County Prosecutors Association Endorses Danielle Chio for Judge the same reason as other Neo-Nazi organizations endorse their puppet Oriental.
  1. Question: Why does the Clark County Prosecutors Association Endorse Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: The Clark County Prosecutors Association Endorses Danielle Chio for Judge because of the simple fact that Judge Chio is a puppet. Judge Danielle Chio answers to corrupt law enforcement and to corrupt lawyers.
  1. Question: Will Danielle Chio destroy the Nevada judiciary with her corruption?
    1. Answer: Yes. The so-called "appointment" of Danielle Chio represents a negative influence on the Nevada judiciary. Joe Lombardo demonstrated no concern for the will of Nevada voters. Multiple complaints verify that Danielle Chio has already had a negative infuence on the integrity, character, and trustworthiness of the Nevada judiciary.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio an Ethical Judge?
    1. Answer: Absolutely Not! Danielle Chio is not ethical. Danielle Chio is not fair.
  1. Question: What are the favorite hobbies of Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: the favorite hobbies of Danielle Chio are helping her corrupt friends, former employers, and campaign donors.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio a Toilet Paper Wipe?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio is an Oriental female who accepts being a fetish object for Republican Party male politicians.
Sunny Bailey and Danielle Chio
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio a Sunny Bailey?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio is a Sunny Bailey. Danielle Chio is a Sunny Bailey type judge who can be counted on to lie, to steal, to cheat, and to accept donation funds from lawyers, past employers, and/or prosecutors for the purpose of settling verdicts in advance.
  1. Question: Does Judge Danielle Chio support, promote, and use Chinese-backed products?
    1. Answer: Yes! Judge Danielle Chio has advertised on the Chinese platform that hosts Tik Tok. Danielle Chio has produced, and starred in videos produced on the Tik Tok platform. Tik Tok is a Chinese surveillance mobile app created by the Chinese Communist Party to spy on Americans, and to endoctrinate American youth.
  1. Question: Did the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection make a mistake in nominating Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: Yes. The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection did make a mistake on nominating Danielle Chio, but once Danielle Chi was sworn in the mistake could not be reversed.
  1. Question: Did Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo Appoint Danielle Chio to become a Judge inorder to agitate and harass Nevada voters?
    1. Answer: Yes. Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo shoved his appointment of Danielle Chio down the throats of Nevada voters inorder to ensure that Nevada will have another Oriental female puppet.
  1. Question: Is there any admissible court-room evidence that Danielle Chio is corrupt and unethical?
    1. Answer: Yes. There is substantial evidence that Danielle Chio is corrupt, and just as immoral as her friend SoonHee Bailey, a/k/a/ Judge Wuhan, a/k/a Ms. Kung-Flu. The financial and campaign expense reports published by the Nevada Secretary of State verifies the corrupt money trail that funded the Danielle Chio campaign. All campaign donations, and donor names are public records. Also, the Nevada Commission on Ethics filed a detailed 456-page packet evidencing the lack of integrity of Joe Lombardo. Judge Chio witnessed, observed, and participating in events where Joe Lombardo actually engaged in campaign violations. Etc. Etc.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio a real judge?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio is a JINO: Judge In Name Only. She was appointed per se to be a judge by a corrupt Republican Governor who cheated to become a Governor. Legally, and constitutionally, Danielle Chio is not a real judge that was elected by a majority of actual voters. The so-called "appointment*#34 of Danielle Chio to be judge is not accepted by most Nevada voters as legitimate.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio Serve Gook Kool-Aid?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio serves Grape-flavored, unsweetened, Made-in-China, Gook Kool-Aid. The Gook Kool-Aid comes in 8 oz packages of lies, deceit, and deception.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio safe around children or teens?
    1. Answer: No. Danielle Chio is not safe around children or teens. Danielle Chio uses children and teens as photo-opportunities, campaign back-drops, and other illegal purposes. Also, children should beware of her Gook Kool-Aid drinks.
  1. Question: Where can I find dirty Oriental images about Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: Dirty Oriental images about Danielle Chio, her Oriental supporters, can be found only at the Las Vegas Asian News website as well as the Danielle Chio For Judge 2024 website.
  1. Question: Was the birth of Danielle Chio morally planned?
    1. Answer: The parents of Danielle Chio did not officially and formally file government documents advising elected officials of the plan to give birth to Danielle Chio. There was no formal or official plans to bear birth to Danielle Chio. There are no detailed records of documentts that evidence planning, objectives, and the purpose of giving birth to Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio come from Earth?
    1. Answer: The campaing literature of Danielle Chio claims Danielle Chio was born in Hawaii. However, there is no video evidence of her birth; there are no eye witnesses; and, Danielle Chio has refused repeated requests for samples of her DNA. Danielle Chio has refused to consent to a medical examination given by leading eugenicists that study the Oriental species. The objective of the examination is to study the chemical structure of Danielle Chio; to study and scan the purported double-helix model that may or may not exist in Danielle Chio; and, to compare the genetic blue-print of Danielle Chio with legitimate humans. Danielle Chio has refused all requests to be examined for evidence of her D.N.A. structure. Therefore, there is no real evidence that Danielle Chio came from Earth.
  1. Question: Why is Danielle Chio a terrible judge?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio is a terrible judge because Danielle Chio was also a corrupt prosecutor; and a corrupt judicial campaigner. Danielle Chio used the Sunny Bailey Asian Playbook to get appointed. Danielle Chio relied upon a corrupt, unethical, and Pro-Trump Governor to get "Appointed" just 90 days AFTER she was defeated by the majority of Nevada voters. Danielle Chio is a terrible judge because she allows those who donated to her campaign to receive special benefits.
  1. Question: Is the Danielle Chio for Judge 2024 website the best resource on Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: Yes. The Danielle Chio for Judge 2024 website is the most comprehensive resource on judicial monster Soonhee Danielle Chio. The Danielle Chio for Judge 2024 website details the crooks, the con-artists, and all the dishonest Las Vegas and out-of-state law firms who have financial ties to Soonhee Danielle Chio. The Danielle Chio for Judge 2024 website website is the only website in the entire world that refuses to accept Oriental propoganda and monies from China.
  1. Question: If I am racial minority appearing before Danielle Chio in the Clark County, Family Courts, can I expect Danielle Chio to treat me as she does a white American male or white female?
    1. Answer: Absolutely not. Danielle Chio uses a different standard for non-whites because Danielle Chio is a fetish. Daniele Chio is not fair, is not ethical, and Judge Chio lacks integrity.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio simply a dirty Oriental incapable of honesty, and ethical behavior?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio is simply a dirty Oriental incapable of honesty, and ethical behavior.
  1. Question: Can Danielle Chio ever be cured of her corruption?
    1. Answer: No. There is no medication, no counseling, and no therapy that can cure Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: Did Danielle Chio approach Google Inc to help ban images of Danielle Chio appearing on the Internet?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio and her supporters routinely approach Google Inc to help ban images of Danielle Chio appearing on the Internet.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio benefit from censorship practiced by Google Inc?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio benefits from censorship practiced by Google Inc. For exaqmple, Google refuses to index websites adverse to Danielle Chio. Google refuses to index various articles related to Danielle Chio that may be adverse to jer political interests. Google deliberately indexes inferior and empty content related to Danielle Chio while ignoring superior content. Etc.
  1. Question: Are Jews largely responsible for endorsing Danielle Chio??
    1. Answer: Yes. Jewish publications like the Las Vegas Review Journal endorsed Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: What type of Nevada residents supported Danielle Chio?
    1. Answer: The only type of Nevada residents that supported the judicial campaign of Danielle Chio are the privleged, the rich, the immoral, and the unethical. Corrupt Nevada residents that favor a police-state supported Danielle Chio.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio have other corrupt Oriental friends?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio is also friends with Agnes Botelho, Tracy Hibbetts, and Soonhee Bailey, Madilyn Cole, and multiple other corrupt persons.
  1. Question: Does Danielle Chio support the Asians who helped over-turn the U.S. Supreme Court precendent that previously supported Affirmative Action polices in college admissions?
    1. Answer: Yes. Danielle Chio supported over-turning the policies promoted by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and other U..S Civil Righrs leaders.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio a real judge or simply a judicial prostitute?
    1. Answer: Danielle Chio is no more a real or authentic judge than Ted Bundy was a real lawyer.
  1. Question: Is Danielle Chio required to run for election for her Department 7 job?
    1. Answer: Yes. Joe Lomabardo did not have the legal authority to give his friend a full 7-year appointment. Nevada voters will have another chance to drive a stake through the campaign of Danielle Chio and to let Joe Lombardo know: Nevada Voters deserve a Judge, not a Puppet!! Not a fetish object!!