? Dirty Campaign of Judge Danielle Chio Exposed!

Danielle Chio for Judge in 2024!

Vote for Danielle Chio in 2024 to Ensure Judical Corruption in Nevada

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

If you support judicial corruption, Vote Danielle Chio for Judge in 2024. If you trust an Oriental female to be your Judge (99.99% of Oriental females are prostitutes), then vote for Danielle Chio in 2024. The record of Oriental female judges as being corrupt is quite overwhelming. Do your research!!

Danielle Chio was defeated in the General Election of 2022. The vast majority of Nevada voters REJECTED judicial candidate Danielle Chio. Nevada voters rejected Danielle Chio because of clear evidence that Danielle Chio had no desire to be fair, and impartial judge, but was motivated to be a servant of Republican donors, a servant of corrupt lawyers, and a servant of police unions who support police brutality.

After her lawful defeat by the voters of Nevada, it should be no surprise that a Republican Governor Joe Lombardo, who has no respect for law and order, or the U.S. Constitution, ignored the will of the people. Instead, Donald Trump's male punk "Appointed" (code word: freely Gave) a judicial seat to an undeserving Danielle Chio.

Current Judge Danielle Chio did nothing to earn the position of Judge other than agree to be another Sunny Bailey: Toilet Paper Wipe for Republican men.

Joe Lombardo kisses up to Donald Trump like a hooker kisses up to her pimp. He wants to shove his Oriental pet down the throats of Nevada voters. Danielle Chio tried every lie, deceit, and fabrication in 2022 to defeat longtime Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Joe M. Bonaventure. Danielle Chio even outspent Justice of the Peace Joe M. Bonaventure by more than $200,000!! She still lost!!

What part of the word R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N does Danielle Chio or Joe Lombardo not understand? Voters rejected the lies of Danielle Chio! Voters rejected the deceit of Danielle Chio! Voters rejected her status as a puppet!! Voters rejected the Tik Tok, Pro-China ads, of Danielle Chio. Nevada voters rejected the naked attempt of Danielle Chio to use her corrupt wealth, and her corrupt rich friends to purchase a judicial seat!

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

The vast majority of Nevada voters DO NOT trust judicIal prostitute Danielle Chio. The vast majority of Nevada voters view Danielle Chio as a slimy, lying, deceitful, and crooked Ms. Wuhan: a corrupt Oriental female.

Danielle Chio wants to play the role that Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Joe M. Bonaventure refused. Danielle Chio wants to play the role that ethical and moral white Caucasion women refuse. Danielle Chio wants to play the role that ethical and moral white Hispanic women refuse. Danielle Chio wants to play the role that ethical and moral white American women refuse.

Danielle Chio wants to perform the role that ethical judges refuse: she wants to be a prostitute, a whore, and a tramp for corrupt Republican Party members who receive funds for China to sow misinformation throughour the United. States.

The Chinese military is real. Covid 19 is real. Made-in-China products are real. Danielle Chio is a real prostitute who wants to be elected to another judicial term term despite the vast number of Nevada voters who rejected her/it.

The only people supporting Danielle Chio are persons who expect somethiing in exchange for her becoming a judge. All one needs to review is the outrageous conduct of the sick Oriental female on the bench: Oriental female judges are guaranteed liars, con-artists, and the favorite Toilet Paper Wipe of American Neo-Nazis.

Oriental female judges are not real judges, they are judicial prostitutes that will engage in perjury, lying, theft, and any crime(s) to make her Neo-Nazi Master happy. Sunny Bailey has proven that fact. Regina Chu proved that fact in the Kimberly Potter trial.

Daniel Chio, Sunny Bailey, and Oriental Judges Fit Same Pattern As Michelle Steele

Corrupt Danielle Chio

What is happening in Orange County, CA, is happening in many large cities in America. Oriental females are going from the massage parlor to the courtroom, and to political office. One need only review the outrageous conduct of Orange County's Oriental tramp Michelle Steele.

The only difference between Soonhee Sunny Bailey, Danielle Chio, and Michelle Steele are there respective titles. Make no mistake about it, all three Oriental females serve the Republican Party as puppets.

Michelle Eunjoo Steel is a California politician serving as the U.S. representative for California's 45th congressional district since 2023.

Like Sunny Bailey, Michelle Steele was born in Korea.

In March 2018, Oriental tramp Michelle Steel WAS THE ONLY ELECTED CALIFORNIA OFFICIAL to greet President Donald Trump when he landed at LAX on his first official visit to California as president. Think about that for a moment!!

Regardless of his Impeachment proceedings, controversy, accusations of calling Oriental women "Coco-Chow"., Michelle Steele saw no shame in greeting Donald J. Trump. What can you expect from a dumb Oriental female named MICHELLE STEELE WHO IS NOTHING BUT TOILET PAPER WIPE FOR ALL WHITE MAGA EXTREMISTS!

The GOP Republican Party is today's new version of the Ku Klux Klan, and Oriental females are a part of that!

California residents are so upset with Michelle Steele's corrupt personality, illogical behavior, and her constant attempts to appease her Republican male puppets, that several websites have been created to call attention to this Oriental trash can.

Danielle Chio has used, recruited, and prostituted her own step-daughter for political purposes.

Use of Tok Tok to Spy On Government Officials

Corrupt Danielle Chio

Americans have no clue about the power, influence, and tools of Tik Tok. Tik Tok is the Chinese answer to Pegasus. Dumb Americans have no clear what is being done and neither do U.S. Congresspersons, and their hand-picked assistants have the intelligenc to ask the right questions, or know how to study Tik Tok.

Despite repeated FBI warnings, U.S. Senate Hearings, low I.Q. Danielle Chio has still used the Tik Tok Chinese app. Like a bumbling idiot without a human brain, Danielle Chio has used Tik Tok in government facilities.

Why? Danielle Chio is extremely hard-harded. Danielle Chio is stubborn. Danielle Chio may be the dumbest prosecutor in America next to her two best friend Agnes Botelho. and bimbo Madilyn Cole.

Danielle Chio will do what feels good for Danielle Chio and her Republican Party friends. That is how she will also act as a Judge!!

Why Police Unions and Neo-Nazis Support Danielle Chio?

The same persons that supported filthy Michelle Steee, and corrupt Soonhee Bailey, are now supporting Danielle Chio. Look at the results: Crime is up in California! Homelessness is up! Smash and grab robberies are up! Orientals ONLY HIRE ORIENTALS!

The most prosperous persons in America are Orientals who make their income from China. Guess where American police uniforms are imported from? China!

Why are Oriental female judicial and political candidates in demand by Neo-Nazi cops or politicians such as Derek Chauvin,Jason Van Dyke, Kimberly Potter, Amber Guyger, and others?: The Oriental female judge will lie, will cheat, will ignore your civil rights, and is a complete coward when it comes to justice.

The majority of the persons whom support Danielle Chio are the same swamp that supported Michelle Steele: neighborhood tramps, drunks, corrupt lawyers, out-of-state Orientals, unconvicted criminals, and traitorous residents who want to ignore the origins of Covid-19, and who want to ignore how China funds Oriental candidates in America.

Nevada residents who support and vote for Danielle Chio are simply proving that the Nevada judicial system is a complete fraud; that Nevada courts cannot be trusted by legitimate Americans; and, that Nevada ranks BELOW Iran, Russia, and China in having a fair judicial system. Danielle Chio has no desire to be judge, she wants to be judicial prostitute for Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, GOP Republicans, and all the rogue cops who who violate the civil liberties of Americans.

How Nevada Voters Can Re-Defeat Judicial Prostitute Danielle Chio in 2024.

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Start early. Oriental female judicial candidates are natural liars, and natural cheaters. No one wants to vote for them so thay have to prostitute themselves to elected Republican politicians like Joe Lombardo.

Just as Joe Lombardo is a prostitute for Mr. Donald Trump, Danielle Chiois a prostitute for corrupt police unions, corrupt District Attorneys, corrupt law enforcement, and other corrupt Oriental judicial candidates.

Nevada Voters Can Re-Defeat Judicial Prostitute Danielle Chio in 2024 by using the same formula that worked before. Remember: Oriental female judicial candidates are prostitues for all Neo-Nazis. Look around. 99.9% of all Oriental females worship Neo-Nazis, felons, Republican Party members, Neo-Nazis, etc.

The Oriental female is a sick tramp who will lie, cheat, and perjure herself just to make sure that minorities and women are treated like second-class citizens.

The Oriental female jude will give oral service to any corrupt cop! Lie in the courtroom! Ignore evidence. Falsify warrants! Give special favoritism to her contributors and donors.

There are numerous examples of Oriental females serving as Toilet Paper Wipe for corrupt Republicans. The Taiwan-born Republican Elaine Chao is married to goose-neck, aweful-looking Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. She looks like an insect, but she acts like a prostitute. Ching Chong!

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Virtually every Oriental female in American in a position of power or influence in America is married to Republican Neo-Nazi. Why? The stinking Oriental female wants to serve as a prostitute, a slave, and enforce her perverted views on others. That is a major reason why Oriental females simply cannot be trusted to be a judge.

Simply put: Simply DO NOT VOTE for any Oriental female judicial candidate.

Search for articles that Google refuses to index. Google refuses to index numerous articles tied to Danielle Chio that exposes her corruption.

Share links with voters. Talk about how Danielle Chio supports police corruption in your local barbershop or beauty salon. Tell students at Clark County School District schools to spread the word about Danielle Chio being dirty, dishonest, and corrupt.

Knock on doors: Anti-canvass against Danielle Chio. Tell Voters the statistics that link Oriental females to corruption, and bias.

The funny thing is that some Republican voters will vote for Danielle Chio regardless as to how corrupt she is. That is perfectly fine. They are the same traitorous group that purchases Made-in-China products.

What Las Vegas Voters Know About Dirty Prosecutor Danielle Chio

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Can you really trust a corrupt prosecutor to be your judge?? Think about that fact.

Former Clark County, NV Prosecutor and current DisHonorable Judge Danielle Chio is close friends with Republican Governor, and Pro-Trump ally Joe Lombardo. Like a Happy-Go-Lucky whore with her tongue out, the former Clark County, Nevada prosecutor Danielle Chio was begging to be appointed as judge so she could slap Nevada voters who rejected her in the General Election of 2022.

Danielle Chio, who claimed to be neutral or non-partisan, was in fact posing with Nevada Republican Gubernatorial candidate Joe Lombardo, and that she accepted endorsements from radical Neo-Nazi Police unions. To be clear, common sense suggests that Danielle Chio is a supporter of Donald Trump, and that she VOTES for all Republican candidates!!

The rabid Neo-Nazi supporters of Danielle Chio want voters to forget the severely flawed record of Danielle Chio as a Clark County, Nevada, prosecutor.

The corrupt, sick, lying and pathetic supporters of Danielle Chio, want to ignore the record of Danielle Chio. Did Danielle Chio consistently lie in the courtroom, seek to disqualify potential black jurors??? Did Danielle Chio seek convictions of innocent African-Americans, innocent Native-Americans, and innocent Hispanics, while protecting privileged persons, and the wealthy??

Contrary to her lying and corrupt base of supporters, and convicted prostitutes, ethical Las Vegas voters noticed the fact that Danielle Chio has a track record of favoring Asians, and refusing to prosecute corrupt and violent Asian business owners; e.g., violent Las Vegas smokeshop owner Johnny Nguyen who stabbed an innocent American and was never prosecuted while poor white Americans, poor blacks and poor Hispanics are routinely prosecuted for the exact same acts!!

Las Vegas voters noticed the fact that Danielle Chio is seeking to advance Orientals at the expense of better qualified Amercans.

Corrupt and Dirty Friends of Danielle Chio Include Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

Danielle Chio is a personal friend to many corrupt and dirty Orientals in Las Vegas, as well as Clark County, NV prosecutors that target the poor. For example, Danielle Chio is friends with with Soonhee Bailey; an unconvicted criminal who masterminded a brazen judicial take-over of Department I. Soonhee Bailey tricked Nevada during the Covid-19 crisis.

Danielle Chio is friends with former judicial candidate and current Clark County, Nevada prosecutor Agnes Botelho. Agnes Botelho is a disgusting Oriental whore; an office slut, and a tramp who has a public record (marital certificates, employment, birth records) of sleeping with the Chief Deputy District Attorney, ala Liz Mercer.

Despite her history immoral conduct, Agnes Botelho still applied for a judicial position as if being an office tramp were not important to voters; that is how Oriental females think!!!

Danielle Chio is also friends with family members of disgraced Nevada judge Michelle Leavitt.

Daughter Madilyn Leavitt Cole is currently a judicial candidate.

Expense reports filed by Madilyn Cole verify that Madilyn Cole has donated to the campaigns of corrupt judicial candidates, as well as accept monies from some of the most immoral, the sleaziest, and the dirtiest judicial candidates that walked the Earth!

It should be no suprise that baby sister Morgan Leavitt has been accused by reputable sources as being tied to prostitution and felons such as Shane Valentine.

A Political Review of the Corrupt Judicial Application of Oriental Judicial Candidate Danielle Chio

Oct  2024   Judicial Campagn of  Danielle Chio

The judicial application submitted by Danielle Chio to the Nevada Judicial Selection Commission, along with her campaign trail of dirty money, is an overwhelming indictment as to why Danielle Chio is simply unfit and unqualified to be judge.

If Danielle Chio were a member of the Asian Mafia, that fact would not have stopped a corrupt Pro-Trump Governor like Joe Lombardo from supporting her. After-all, Republican Governor/Russian agent Joe Lompbardo is friends with a man who has engaged in felony crimes, and who conspired to over-throw the government of the United States. Is it it any wonder why he a;so supports his Oriental prostitute Danielle Chio??

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection Overview asked no important questions and refused to consider online articles or public facts concerning the paper trail of money tied to Danielle Chio. In other words, public comments are taken into account by a corrupt body of persons who approve judicial nominations.

Even before reading her judicial application, it was very clear to critics of Danielle Chio that something seemed very odd about Danielle Chio. She did not come across as very eloquent, very intelligent, or very moral.

Danielle Chio poses with anyone to get votes. Danielle Chio accepts monies from anyone with a purse. Danielle Chio uses her own daughter as a political prop because she is so stubborn that the prospect of defeat is too painful.

The entire career of Danielle Chio and many Oriental females is not based upon comptenence or inteligence, but how willing is the Oriental female wiling to serve a damned prostitute for the service and pleasure of Neo-Nazi Ameican males. For example, secret Ku Klux Klan sympathizer Steve Wolfson offered her a job at the District Attorney's office although she had no experience in the position at the time.

Danielle Chio: Asian Playbook of Buying Judicial seats

Danielle Chio would make a great judge for Neo-Nazi Americans and Asians with low standards. Is is quite clear, by her own admission that Danielle Chio is not very bright, and she has a lackluster backround graduating from an inferior college.

Is Danielle Chio the type of judge Nevada needs? No!! Appointing Danielle Chio to be a judge is like appointing Heinrich Himmler to oversee Jewish civil rights.

The re-election of Danielle Chio to any judicial position is simply a confirmation as to why low-class, dumb, and semi-illiterate Nevada residents have the last place ranking in Education. Nevada residents may be too dumb to understand this article. They may be incapable of learning from their history; unwilling to accept plain and simple facts; and the only hope is for China to unleash another round of Covid-19, to continue to fund the judicial and political campaigns of Orientals, to release more Covid-19 ballloons, to force dumb Nevada resdients to contine to buy more Made-in-China products, and to simply allow American incompetence to sow the defeat of the United States.

China should continue to use American incompetence and weak laws that allow the Chinese government to fund Oriental candidates that are Pro-China.

China's Supply of Fentanyl to Americans is Payback! Download Reply to Danielle Chio Judicial Application

 Download Reply to Danielle Chio Judicial Application

The Nevada Judicial Selection Commission approved the appointment of Danielle Chio despite numerous flaws, admissions of academic inferiority, and clear evidence that Danielle Chio HAD NO prior experience to be a judge. Only African-American and Native-American men are required to have experience when applying for Nevada government jobs.

Danielle Chio was no more qualified to be appointed a judge than a non-lawyer was qualified to be a judge. Asian favortism, Asian quotas, is what allows to steal jobs or receive jobs they re not qualified for.

The American policy of favoring Asians has backfired in China. Congratulations to China for putting America on the defensive. China is a great example when Americans prefer Asians over others. Americans should thank China for Covid-19. Americans should thank China for the Fentanyl crisis.

Low I.Q. Americans and American Insect lovers will always favor unqualified Asians. The State of Nevada favors Asians in all government jobs, ranging from the U.S.P.S., the DMV, Judicial Appointments, District Attorneys, etc.

China is doing to America what the British and Americans did to China during the the Opium Wars raged in China in the late 18th Century.

Many dumb white Americans do not know that during the rule of the Qing dynasty, Great Britain was furious for its outstanding trade imbalance with China. Great Britan was scrambling to access China's porcelains, silks, and luxury goods, etc.

The Chinese rebuffed the British like the Americans have rebuffed China in the 21st Century. No problem. China forces America to accept its cheap products and feeds America's dependency on drugs, and Fentanyl. China feeds American culture with the Tik Tok mobile app. Inferior Americans love Tik Tok.

Dumb prosecutor, and dumb Judge Danielle Chio (what can you expect from a dumb peasant Oriental with a low I.Q.), allows her step-daughter to use Tik Tok. What more evidence do you need that Danielle Chio is simply TOO DUMB, TOO UNETHICAL, AND LACKS THE MORAL VALUES to be a judge??

China is teaching America a valuable lesson. Don't get too cozy with Orientals!


Nevada Commission on Ethics
c/o Danielle K. Chio Complaints
704 W. Nye Lane, Suite 204
Carson City, NV 89703
Phone: (775) 687-5469
Fax: (775) 687-1279
Email: ncoe@ethics.nv.gov
Las Vegas, NV 89131